Keeping Nature Connected – EIA For Integrate Green Infrastructure Planning
This course aims at presenting some specific aspects that need to be applied in identifying and assessing the environmental impact generated by infrastructure projects so as to ensure that the best measures to avoid, reduce and mitigate impacts are taken into account in the design, construction and operation of these projects.
Target group: Representatives of the national road and rail infrastructure companies, representatives of the Ministry of Transport, environmental consultants involved in the elaboration of environmental impact assessment studies and appropriate assessment studies for transport infrastructure projects, NGOs with activity in environmental protection and transport infrastructure.
Duration: 16 hours during two consecutive days
Main objective: Participants understand and adopt good working practices presented in the field of environmental impact assessment and management of green infrastructure so as to ensure the quality of impact assessments and their contribution to the improvement of transport infrastructure projects.

Participants will acquire:
▪ Knowledge: understanding the role, structure and functionality of the green infrastructure and the means by which the development of transport infrastructure can ensure the maintenance of ecosystem services and ecological connectivity;
▪ Competences: capacity to implement the adequate avoidance and mitigation measures which assures the sustainability of green infrastructure and its main functionality;
▪ Attitude understanding of the best practices in data collection, environmental report elaboration and identification of appropriate mitigation measures. Involvement of the participants in the recognition of high- and low-quality Environmental Reports.
Reference objectives:
● Development of the capacity for understanding the role, structure and functionality of green infrastructure;
● Development of the capacity for understanding the means by which the development of transport infrastructure can ensure the maintenance of ecosystem services and ecological connectivity;
● Understanding of the legal framework in the context of the management of green infrastructure;
● Understanding of the integration of grey infrastructure and green infrastructure;
● Development of the capacity for understanding the concept of impact significance thresholds and what constitutes a significant impact;
● Measures for the avoidance and reduction of significant impacts on habitat fragmentation;
● Development of the capacity for the assessment of quality of the Environmental Reports;
● Understanding of the best practices involved in data collection, elaboration of Environmental
Reports and identification of appropriate measures.
Training methods: conversation, demonstration, exercises, lectures, debate, problem solving, discussions, case studies, field visit on the location of the proposed route of a motorway.
Training means: projector, laptop, PowerPoint slides, Excel exercises, flipcharts.

Evaluation methods:
Initial evaluation: Auto-evaluation by participants
● Aim: adaptation of the training program to the participants needs
● Methods: large group discussions, self-presentations
● Evaluation scale: low level, medium level, high level
Ongoing evaluation
● Frequency: For each training exercise
● Methods: Group exercises
MN – Marius Nistorescu
The following themes will be approached:
- What are Green Infrastructure and ecological connectivity?
- Means to preserve, enhance and restore ecological connectivity;
- Legal framework for SEA/EIA/AA and why is SEA & EIA essential for maintaining ecological connectivity?
- Grey infrastructure permeability assessment;
- What is a significant impact and how to avoid and reduce significant impacts on habitat fragmentation;
- Quality review of Environmental Reports (SEA/EIA/AA);
- Best practices in data collection for ecological connectivity and in the identification of maintaining, enhancing and restore ecological connectivity.
Minimum requirements – it is recommended that the participants:
- have experience in the implementation of infrastructure projects (motorways, roads, railways, etc.);