Part Of Output 3.2 Planning Toolkit
Fauna mortality caused by animal-vehicle collisions (AVC) on roads and railways is the most evident and well-known negative impact of transport infrastructure on wildlife. Out of the five primary ecological effects (some of which may only be apparent long-term), the fauna mortality is the most visible and perspicuous evidence of habitat fragmentation to the relevant authorities as well as to the general public.
The TRANSGREEN Roadkill application was developed by the Srazenazver authors. It is based on the Srazenazver engine, but adjusted to the needs of Romanian users, who were very helpful in the developing of the app. The application is very intuitive and user friendly. We have used our experience and improved the taxonomy list. We have put a lot of effort to the mobile application to be as simple to use as possible.
Click here to access the Roadkill Registration Tool
ROad.kill App available on Play Store: